
The benefits of a GNPÖ membership are the active support of interests, including the receiving of the quarterly Journal of Neuropsychology as well as reduced fees for seminars and examination for certification at reduced prices. A further benefit is an individual portfolio, available free of charge at the homepage, which may include informations about supervision for colleagues or about offers for diagnostics and treatments for patients. In addition, there is the possibility to make an announcement for looking for a job or vacancies, free of charge. The register of recognized training places for achieving the practical knowledge is offered.

In order to become a regular member of the GNPÖ, one has to fulfil the qualification of a study of psychology, at least completed with the master grade.

Individuals of other professions, such as physicians, occupational therapists, speech and language therapists, linguists, physiotherapists and students of psychology, may become an associate member of the GNPÖ.

Supporting Members are all other persons, who support the activities of the association by special efforts or paying a membership fee.

Membership subscription (2021)

  • regular member - € 80,-
  • associate member - € 60,-
  • supporting member - € 88,-
  • Students - € 40,-


You can  download the application for the membership here.